Special Education
ACE and YouthWorks Charter High Schools provide a full range of exceptional / special education student services. The school employs a full-time Special Education Director, Special Education Teacher(s) and Special Education Aide(s) and Assitant(s).
Learn more about Special Education Services, including disability categories and assessment information by visiting the Arizona Department of Education here.
If your student has already been determined eligible for exceptional / special education services, YouthWorks will continue to provide those services in a comprehensive learning environment. To learn more about our Special Education program offered at our schools, please inquire with our Special Education Director to learn why ACE and YouthWorks are the best schools to meet your students’ needs!
Exceptional Education Director:
Guadalupe Cantua
Ext. 410
Exceptional Education Teacher:
LouAnn Angel
Ext. 351
If you require special education records, such as an IEP, MET, or other supporting documents, please send your records request via fax or email.
Fax: (520) 628-2820 ATTN: Guadalupe Cantua
Email: guadalupe.cantua@tucsonyouth.org
Please note that all records requests are filled in the order they are received, including walk-in requests.
Per A.R.S. 15-828 (G) – The PEA has up to ten days after the receipt of the request to forward the records requested.
We will do our best to fill any requests as soon as possible. Thank you!
Tucson Youth Development is required to assure our current policies, procedures, and programs are consistent with state policies and procedures established under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Electronic Data Gathering Analysis Retrieval System (EDGAR), and Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG) and the federal requirements outlines in Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). If you would like a copy of our most updated Special Education Policies and Procedures Handbook, please contact us via telephone, email, or walk-in Room 120 at the Tucson Youth Development office.
Telephone: (520) 628-2820 ext. 410 (or ask for Special Education Department)
Email: guadalupe.cantua@tucsonyouth.org
English – https://cms.azed.gov/home/GetDocumentFile?id=54e3b6e7aadebe0f1845df44
Spanish – https://cms.azed.gov/home/GetDocumentFile?id=54e3b887aadebe0f1845df4d
It is the responsibility of Tucson Youth Development Schools (ACE Charter High School and YouthWorks Charter High School) to inform the general public and all parents within our boundaries of our responsibility to make available special education services for students with disabilities aged three through 21 years and how to access those services. In addition, we have a responsibility to provide information regarding early intervention services for children birth through two years.
We are responsible for identifying, locating, and evaluating all children with disabilities including children aged three through 21 and for referring children from birth through two years of age to Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP) for evaluation and appropriate services.
We are also responsible for providing a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) which includes special education and related services to children with disabilities at public expense, under public supervision and direction and without charge to the parents.
For all new students to Tucson Youth Development, a general education classroom teacher will complete screening activities within 45 days of enrollment. The teacher will look at the child’s ability in the areas of academics, vision, hearing, adaptive, communication, social/emotional and motor skills. If any concerns are noted the child may be referred for additional help.
For any student attending a Tucson Youth Development school OR attending a private school without our boundaries OR any student that is home schooled that may be suspected that may be suspected of having a disability, the procedure for referral is as follows:
A written request to the school. This written request should contain the reason for the referral, areas or issues of concern, reason for suspecting disability, and any previous interventions that have been attempted to date.
Contact information of the person referring. This request should be sent to:
Tucson Youth Development ATTN: Exceptional Education Director
1929 N Stone Avenue
Tucson, Arizona 85705
Fax: (520) 628-2820 ATTN: Exceptional Education Director
Email: guadalupe.cantua@tucsonyouth.org
If you have concerns about a child you know, please contact our Exceptional Education Director for additional information.
AZFind Q&A Form – https://cms.azed.gov/home/GetDocumentFile?id=5613f80eaadec00414a49e56
Special Education Process – https://cms.azed.gov/home/GetDocumentFile?id=5618024caadebf0dd82f3ea3
Section 504 is a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities. Section 504 ensures that a child with a disability has equal access to an education. A child may receive accommodations and modifications.
A person is disabled within the definition of Section 504 if the following conditions are met:
The child must have a mental or physical impairment that substantially limits one or more of a person’s major life activities.
“Major life activities” include functions such as a caring for one’s self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breaking, learning and working. When a condition does not substantially limit a major life activity, the individual does not qualify under Section 504.
The child’s disability must impact their education in order to qualify for educational accommodations.
This determination is made by a school team of individuals who are familiar with the child and the child’s parent.
If the school has reason to believe that, because of a disability as defined under Section 504, a student’s needs accommodations or services in order to participate in the school program, the school must evaluate the student. If it is determined that a student is disabled under Section 504, the school must develop and implement the delivery of all needed services and/or accommodations.
Examples of Common Accommodations:
Modify assignments and tests.
Provide an extra set of textbooks for home.
Adjust student seating.
Use study guides/organizing tools.
Provide school counseling.
Have the student use an organizer – train in organizational skills.
Provide preferential seating.
Modify recess/PE/transportation.
Use necessary health care procedures.
If you believe your child or you (adult students) may qualify as a person with a disability, please contact the Exceptional Education Director.
Center for Parent Information and Resources – https://www.parentcenterhub.org
Life After IEP’s – http://lifeafterieps.com
Raising Special Kids – http://www.raisingspecialkids.org
Think Inclusive – https://www.thinkinclusive.us/start-here/
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act – https://sites.ed.gov/idea/
Arizona Career Information System – https://portal/azcis.intocareers.org